Bus to Genting from Singapore

Traveling by Bus to Genting from Singapore with KKKL Travel & Tours

bus from singapore to genting highlands

Are you considering a trip to Genting Highlands from Singapore? If so, the most comfortable and reliable option is the bus to Genting from Singapore offered by KKKL Travel & Tours. With new Scania engines in our buses, we assure a smooth journey for our travelers.

Daily Departures from SG to Genting

Every day, our bus from SG to Genting departs at 6:00 am. The pickup sequence begins at the Sengkang Compass One Taxi Stand at 5:45 am, moves on to the Kovan Hub bus terminal by 6:00 am, and lastly stops at the Jurong East Westgate Mall taxi stand at 6:30 am. When you board the SG to Genting bus, you’re setting out on a seven-hour scenic ride, with an estimated arrival time of 1:30 pm at the Genting Highlands First World Hotel bus terminal. For those who prefer night travel, we also have a special bus every Friday from Kovan at 10:00 pm.

The Return Trip

If Genting is your destination from Singapore, note that our return bus is scheduled to depart from the First World Hotel at 2:00 pm. Make your way to the information counter there to await our coach. As for boarding, it’s at the First World Hotel Sky World bus terminal. With ample seating, you can comfortably await the arrival of the KKKL bus.


In addition to the usual activities in Genting Highlands, there are plenty of other things to enjoy. During the journey by bus to Genting Highlands, many people stop at the town of Gohtong Jaya, where the restaurant ‘126’ serves up delicious seafood dishes, including the famous lobster cooked with egg and ginger.

FAQs on Bus Travel from Singapore to Genting Highlands

  • How Do I Travel from Singapore to Genting Highlands by Bus?
    Opt for the daily service of the KKKL Express. Departing points include Sengkang Compass One Taxi Stand, Kovan Hub bus terminal, and Jurong East Westgate Taxi Stand.
  • What’s the Duration for the Bus from Genting to Singapore?
    Approximately seven hours. Departure from Genting is set at 2:00 pm from the First World Hotel.
  • What’s the Cost for a Bus Trip to Genting Highland from Singapore?
    Costs vary, but generally, a one-way ticket with KKKL Express is SGD45. For the most current rates and potential discounts, please visit our website. Online booking might provide further savings. Remember, additional fees may be charged for special requests or extra luggage.


KKKL Travel & Tours bus schedule from Singapore to Genting Highlands

Pick Up PointTimingDrop OffPricePick Up PointTimingDrop OffPrice
First World Hotel bus Terminal$45Sky Avenue Bus Terminal1430hrs
Sengkang0615hrsFirst World Hotel bus Terminal$45Sky Avenue Bus Terminal1130hrs
Jurong East0700hrsFirst World Hotel bus Terminal$45Sky Avenue Bus Terminal1130hrs
Jurong East Venture$35
Jurong East Venture Avenue2200hrsFirst World Hotel bus Terminal$45




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